CBD Articles
CBD May Help Relieve PMS & Menstrual Cramps

Is CBD a woman’s new monthly best friend?
For some women, monthly menstrual cramps are just considered a nuisance for a few days. They become just a part of life and you learn to manage it at a younger age. For others, the pain and discomfort from menstrual cramps can be managed with a couple over-the-counter pain medications and a heating pad. But there are a lot of women who aren’t so lucky and whose menstrual cycle is accompanied by pain that can be debilitating and painful enough that days of work or normal activities are missed. Menstrual cramps aren’t the only symptom of a period.
» Read more about: CBD May Help Relieve PMS & Menstrual Cramps »
CBD For Acne & Anti-Aging

Cannabis is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, so it’s not a surprise the plant may potentially aid with skin conditions. After all, our skin is the largest organ on our body! Our endocannabinoid system consists of many cannabinoid receptors, with a large amount of them found in the skin. Molecules in cannabis interact with the endocannabinoids and create positive effects.
CBD Oil for Acne
Acne is an inflammatory condition. CBD’s soothing properties may help diminish breakouts and reduce redness by calming the skin. CBD also has been shown to decrease excessive oil production in a person’s skin,
What is CBD and How Does It Work?

Over the last few years, CBD has become a more regular and prevalent topic of conversation. Just Google the term and, boom, you’ll find thousands upon thousands of links, articles and blogs about this little molecule.
You’ll also find tons of erroneous claims being made by many up and coming CBD companies, which has left some confused and unsure as to whether or not they should even give CBD a try.
Well, what do we know about CBD?
We know CBD is derived from hemp, which falls beneath the sometimes uncomfortable label of cannabis. That’s because marijuana is hemp’s wacky cousin that gets you high.
Congress Approves Bill To Make CBD Federally Legal

Congress passed a sweeping agriculture bill on Wednesday, December 13, 2018. This bill gives the legislative approval needed to make CBD legal at the federal level.
CBD, the non-psychoactive byproduct of hemp, is now available in retail stores for their consumers who have wanted to buy these products!
This bill also allows farmers to grow industrial hemp legally.
Yes, consumers have been purchasing CBD products within the states where CBD is permitted, but the federal legality question still hovered because the Drug Enforcement Agency previously had classified CBD as a ‘Schedule 1’ controlled substance (meaning the federal government did not believe it had medical value and risked being highly addictive and thus,
» Read more about: Congress Approves Bill To Make CBD Federally Legal »
How To Use CBD
These days, CBD is available in a huge variety of products, and you have quite a few options on how you prefer to take it. Some are looking for convenience and how to incorporate it into a daily routine, and some are seeking whichever way to maximize its potential benefits.
How you use CBD varies from person to person and can depend greatly on what you’re using CBD for.
What kind of results are you seeking? How quickly do you need the results to take effect? How long do you want the results to last?
How Much CBD Do I Take?
You’re familiar with the methods available to you and now the big question… How much CBD do you take?
The rule of thumb in the CBD world is: START LOW AND GO SLOW!
We are all built differently. From our sizes, shapes, height and age, how much CBD we should use is affected by all of those factors. Therefore, taking CBD depends on you, and how your body metabolizes. Most CBD products provide a generalized recommended dosage on their labels. We at EHP like to say the recommended dosage is good…for most. We also recommend you speak with a medical professional prior to using CBD,