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CBD May Help Relieve PMS & Menstrual Cramps

Is CBD a woman’s new monthly best friend?

For some women, monthly menstrual cramps are just considered a nuisance for a few days. They become just a part of life and you learn to manage it at a younger age. For others, the pain and discomfort from menstrual cramps can be managed with a couple over-the-counter pain medications and a heating pad. But there are a lot of women who aren’t so lucky and whose menstrual cycle is accompanied by pain that can be debilitating and painful enough that days of work or normal activities are missed. Menstrual cramps aren’t the only symptom of a period. Most women experience other symptoms as well; headaches, muscle aches, lethargy, nausea, stomach upset and a general feeling of malaise.

Many women of all ages and in all stages of life, who are looking for not only a healthier approach to managing their PMS and Menstrual Cycle but also a better, more effective way, are now trying CBD.

With the natural anti-inflammatory effects of CBD, not only does it have the potential to aid with cramps, but CBD may also relieve additional symptoms like headaches, body aches, nausea, and stomach upset.

CBD interacts with what is already in your body, the Endocannabinoids System that produces cannabinoids. You have two types of cannabinoids, known as ‘CB1’, which are mainly present in the pain pathways – which include the nerve fibers that carry pain sensations towards the brain or away from it. Cannabinoids interact with these receptors and modulate the transmission of the pain impulses – which helps relieve the pain. The second type of cannabinoid receptors already in your body is ‘CB2’, which are mainly present in the immune system and help with fighting infection and inflammation.

CBD acts through these receptors to possibly relieve menstrual cramps and other pain and symptoms associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle.

In addition to the physical discomfort of a pre-menstrual cycle and menstrual cycle, CBD may aid non-physical symptoms most women experience including, anxiety, sleeplessness and depression.


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Below are some ways in which CBD can be used:

Sublingual Drops/Tinctures – Place a few drops of CBD under the tongue and wait for a few minutes until relief is observed. Tinctures and sublingual drops placed directly under the tongue tend to have quick results.


Capsules – CBD capsules can be available in preparations with additional additives to support a woman’s symptoms during her menstrual cycle. Some examples are; turmeric, ginger, lavender, rose hips, raspberry leaf.


CBD sprays, lotions, and bath bombs – Sprays and lotions are topical relief for aching joints, bones, lower back and stomach. Bath bombs or oils directly placed into a hot bath may ease joints and promote calm.


This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnosis, cure, or treat any healthcare issue. 

Our products have not been approved by the FDA and should not be considered for use as a nutritional supplement.

Please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional before adding CBD or any of our products to your routine.