Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Taking CBD

If CBD is natural and so safe, why is it important to speak with your doctor? Well, even though Cannabidiol comes from a plant, it’s still a molecule that interacts with your mind and body, and on some occasions can make certain medications react differently (1). Any change in your diet, exercise or with anything you ingest, it’s always wise to speak with your doctor about it first, especially now that CBD is becoming such a prevalent part of self care for medical issues, doctors are more aware of the benefits CBD offers than ever before.
CBD is growing quickly in the medical world, and with the continued approval of several FDA regulated CBD based medications, doctors will sometimes be the one to bring it up as a viable option to their patients.
Because CBD is available on so many places and online, speaking with your doctor first may not occur to you, but we still feel it is important and have provided some common questions below, to ask your doctor about.
Is CBD legal to use?
The legality of purchasing CBD and consuming cannabis’ CBD varies on where you live. Your doctor should know the current state of CBD laws in your area and will be able to tell you where CBD is legal to purchase and consume.
How much CBD do you take?
Depending on which product you choose: topicals, creams, edibles or a tincture, a doctor who knows your condition can help you understand how many milligrams to your body weight while taking into consideration what sort of relief you need and how many times a day you should take it, as well as any increase in dose needed. However, ultimately you will be managing your own intake (self-titration) level. The amount of CBD to injest internally varies from person to person, based on multiple reasons, including, but not limited to, your weight, gender, height, metabolism rate, and even your age.
Therefore the mantra among most CBD specialists when taking CBD internally is: START LOW AND GO SLOW.
Will CBD interact with my other medications?
Maybe you haven’t heard of the grapefruit test, but a good physician has, and though they may have little knowledge of CBD because there’s minimal, but growing, studies. However, if they’ve told you not to eat grapefruits when using your current medications, it’s best to steer clear of CBD, as well. This amazing little molecule has lot of potential benefits, but not currently with those medications, so definitely ask your doctor!
Which brand of CBD is the best?
Not all CBD is made the same. A doctor who is well-versed in writing recommendations for their patients to try CBD will have vast knowledge of what to look for on a label of a CBD product. For example: quality, consistency, additional additives or chemicals, and third party testing for authenticity.
Will I FEEL anything with CBD? Will I feel ‘high’?
Though CBD is often associated with THC, and the more well known compound that DOES get you ‘high’, CBD does not.
What if I have an allergic reaction to CBD?
The tolerance and effects of CBD are generally safe for most. The core of CBD is hemp and is considered extremely safe for consumption as it causes few side effects or allergic reactions. However, a few of our customers have reported mild skin reactions after using CBD. This may be due in part to the numerous terpenes (aromatic plant derivatives) found in hemp.
Will CBD show up on a drug test?
Perhaps you’re looking for a new job, or your current employment requires random, mandatory drug tests. Whatever the case, it’s important to note CBD contains very low levels of THC (less than 0.3%), so in normal, recommended doses, using CBD alone will not show up on a drug test as a positive.
Research on CBD is still in the early stages and some doctors may not be on board with the benefits of CBD just yet and may not be willing to prescribe it. However, as more and more studies are done on the potential benefits of this little molecule, hopefully the medical field will be more receptive.
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This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such.
The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnosis, cure, or treat any healthcare issue.
Our products have not been approved by the FDA and should not be considered for use as a nutritional supplement.
Please consult your doctor or other appropriate medical professional before adding CBD or any of our products to your routine.